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The Importance of Regular Pet Nail Trims
The Importance of Regular Pet Nail Trims

The Importance of Regular Pet Nail Trims

You will probably remember the importance your vet placed on regular nail trims and how getting your pet used to regular touching of the feet will benefit you in the future.

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Should you Adopt or Buy a Pet?
Should you Adopt or Buy a Pet?

Should you Adopt or Buy a Pet?

 New pet owners should primarily consider if they have the time, money, space and over all life style that would be compatible with your new family member. 

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Health and Pain Management for Seniors
Health and Pain Management for Senior Pets

Health and Pain Management for Seniors

As pet owners, we are responsible for addressing and treating our pet’s conditions early in order to give them the highest quality of life during their senior years. 

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Why Your Cat Avoids the Litter Box
Top Reasons Your Cat Is No Longer Using Their Litter Box

Why Your Cat Avoids the Litter Box

Your cat may have many valid reasons for not wanting to use their litter box anymore. They may be due to behavioural or medical concerns. 

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Kittens and String
Kittens and String

Kittens and String

Cats are instinctively infatuated with any type of moving linear material because of its resemblance to prey, but it can have serious medical implications if ingested.

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Kennel Cough
Kennel Cough

Kennel Cough

Kennel Cough (Infectious Tracheobronchitis) is an upper respiratory infection that mostly affects dogs but can occasionally affect cats. 

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Found a Lost/Stray Pet?
Found a Lost/Stray Pet?

Found a Lost/Stray Pet?

The weather is gorgeous, the sun is shining, flowers are blooming. You’re out for an afternoon stroll when you come across a dog or cat, and their owners are nowhere to be found.

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The Magic of Getting Urine
The Magic of Getting Urine

The Magic of Getting Urine

At a clinic we often collect samples for lab work. Whether it is blood, urine or feces, people often ask how we get the sample collected. 

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Pros and Cons of Adopting a Senior Pet
Pros and Cons of Adopting a Senior Pet

Pros and Cons of Adopting a Senior Pet

When it’s time to add a new family member most people go straight to a kitten or a puppy and sometimes overlook all the amazing rescue pets out there needing a new loving home. 

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Spring Time, Tips for Happy Pets
Spring Time, Tips for Happy Pets

Spring Time, Tips for Happy Pets

The snow has melted, the birds are chirping, your senior cat is acting like a kitten again, and your dog is ready to make friends with everyone… and their dog!

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X-Raying Furry Friends
X-Raying Furry Friends

X-Raying Furry Friends

Owners rarely ask questions on how the radiographs are taken or what steps are involved in order to take them. As a technician, I am the one to set up and take the x-rays.

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How to Give Oral Medication To Your Pets
How to Give Oral Medication To Your Pets

How to Give Oral Medication To Your Pets

Medications come in different forms, and with each form there may be a technique that makes it easiest to administer. 

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