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What To Do When Your Dog Runs Away
What To Do When Your Dog Runs Away

What To Do When Your Dog Runs Away

So your dog has taken himself and you’re sitting at home worried he’s off getting into trouble, which he probably is. So what should you do when your dog escapes?

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Best Dog Parks in Edmonton
Best Dog Parks in Edmonton

Best Dog Parks in Edmonton

Spring is here! What better way to enjoy it then taking our four-legged family members to frolic in the park, chase sticks, and swim in creeks. 

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Supporting Local Pet Charities
Supporting Local Pet Charities

Supporting Local Pet Charities

There are many ways to help local pet charities and hopefully after reading this you have a better understanding of how you can help and you’ll feel ready to take the next step.

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Slim Cat Ball Review
Slim Cat Ball Review

Slim Cat Ball Review

The Slim Cat ball is a plastic ball about the size of a baseball that can have food kibbles placed inside that come out of small holes in the ball when it is batted about

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Keep Cool and Stay Calm: Vet Vists
Keep Cool and Stay Calm: Vet Vists

Keep Cool and Stay Calm: Vet Vists

There are things that can be done that can help keep you and your pet calm and makes the visit to the veterinarian less stressful for everyone involved.

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Dogs with Jobs
Dogs with Jobs

Dogs with Jobs

Dogs are incredible animals with the ability to help people in many ways. When dogs are trained to serve, it becomes evident just how intelligent these animals are.

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A microchip is a very small capsule that contains a computer chip which stores an alphanumeric code that is unique and specific to the animal which receives the implant.

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The Scoop on Cat Litter
The Scoop on Cat Litter

The Scoop on Cat Litter

So you’re just about to bring home your very first kitten, and you’re standing in the pet store looking at a daunting wall of cat litter. 

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When Is It Time to Say Goodbye?
How Do You Know When It’s Time to Say Goodbye?

When Is It Time to Say Goodbye?

It can be very useful to think ahead and get an idea of what the whole family wants for your pet before the time comes to say goodbye.

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Black Cats Beware: No! Be-Awesome!
Black Cats Beware: No! Be-Awesome!

Black Cats Beware: No! Be-Awesome!

Halloween will soon be upon us, it is a great time to pay homage to all the black pets out there. Did you know that black pets are more likely to be passed over during adoptions?

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What Does AHT Mean?
What Does AHT Mean?

What Does AHT Mean?

When a technician introduces themselves as an Animal Health Technologist (AHT) it is often not known what the role of a technician is. 

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Help Your Pet Through Thunderstorms
How to Help Your Pet Through Thunderstorms

Help Your Pet Through Thunderstorms

A big part of our summers here in Alberta are watching the crazy thunderstorms that take place! Unfortunately, for many pets, this can be a terrifying experience. 

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