Overweight Dog Help

Guidance on nutrition to support and maintain your pet's overall health and well-being.

It is easier to keep weight off in the first place, rather than to implement a weight loss plan. It all begins with prevention, and this starts at puppyhood. Feeding an appropriate diet, as well as an appropriate measured quantity is all key to maintaining a healthy weight. Treats should be limited to low-calorie options and human food should be kept to a minimum. Exercise is crucial to keep pets active and at a healthy weight.

When is a dog considered to be overweight?

A dog is considered to overweight when they score higher than the ideal 5 out of 9 on a body condition score chart. Body condition score is determined by the ability to feel ribs on their sides, the hourglass waist shape, and the underside of the belly. If a dog cannot comfortably do regular activities, a weight loss plan may need to be implemented.

Are some breeds prone to obesity?

Some breeds are more likely to be obese. It is specifically important to maintain their weight from day one, to avoid obesity and the health concerns associated with it. Some of the breeds prone to obesity include Labrador Retrievers, Pugs, Beagles, and more.

Why should you have weight loss & management consultation at the clinic?

At Mill Creek Animal Hospital, we try to stress the importance of weight management and weight loss by explaining the risks of obesity and the conditions that it can result in. By maintaining a healthy low body weight, we can lower the risk of conditions such as diabetes and arthritis and increase the quality of life.

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