
Microchipping is crucial for pet safety, ensuring a higher chance of reunion if they ever get lost.

Pet identification is the number one way to increase the likelihood of your pet returning to you if they ever go on a self-proclaimed field trip. If your pet has tags with a phone number, someone can call you to let you know they have been found. Unfortunately, tags can fall off and phone numbers can fade, so having a microchip as a backup is very important. A microchip is a small grain of rice size chip that goes under the skin and has a number unique to your pet. The microchip is registered to you with your contact information so that your furry adventurer can be returned to you.

Why is it important to ensure my dog is microchipped?

Microchipping is a great way to identify your dog. Dogs sometimes escape the yard or slip out of their leashes and collars, and tattoos can fade over time, but a microchip is always there. They have helped a lot of pets find their way back to their owners.

How does a microchip work and is it safe?

A microchip is implanted under the skin, usually between the shoulder blades. Every veterinary clinic and shelter has a microchip scanner and whenever a pet is found, they will scan it for the microchip. If the pet has a microchip, a number will come up that is registered specifically to you and your pet. The clinic or shelter will then call the microchip company and see who the pet is registered to (If the number is not in the clinic system already) and then call the owners to come to pick up their pet!

How much does it cost to microchip a dog?

Please call us to discuss the cost of the microchip.

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