Senior Care

An essential service to help detect and manage health conditions in aging pets.

As cats reach the age of seven and older, they start to mature. Older cats need more medical attention, as they age at a rapid rate. A lot can change in just a few months, so we recommend having your senior pet examined at least every six months. Blood work is also often recommended for senior pets. An exam lets us know how they are doing physically, but blood work can tell us much more about what is going on inside. Senior cats commonly have kidney and thyroid diseases. By coming in frequently, these diseases can be diagnosed and treated earlier in attempt to slow progression.

What are the stages of a senior cat’s life? How to spot signs of ageing?

As cats age, there are several concerns that commonly come to surface. Older joints have more difficulty comfortably moving around, which can result in sleeping more, difficulty standing, and difficulty getting in and out of the litter box. They may also lose weight and become pickier with food, so it is important to keep them interested in eating by feeding palatable senior diets.

My senior cat is losing weight, what can I do?

There can be several reasons for weight loss, so starting with an exam and potentially running blood work on your pet is the first step.

How can I care for my senior cat?

We recommend coming in for an exam every six months with your cat, as they age at a rapid rate. Feeding a diet that is appropriate for them is also important. That may consist of a senior’s diet, or if they have any special conditions, a more case-specific diet may be recommended. We also recommend annual blood work for senior pets.

What are some common health issues?

Teeth concerns (periodontal disease), weight/muscle loss, arthritis, kidney failure, thyroid disorders are all common health concerns for a senior cat.

Why is my senior cat having behavioural issues?

There may be an underlying cause for behavioural changes in senior cats. It is important to rule out any medical causes.

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