Flea and Tick Control

Fleas and ticks are very small parasites. Protect your cat with a parasite prevention plan.

For fleas, if the infestation is severe, you can see the fleas jumping and moving around. If it is not severe, you may notice that your cat is restless, or scratching and licking a bit more than normal. Fleas are tiny and blackish in colour. Turn your cat on it’s back and check the armpits and groin for redness, blood or dirt. You may see red bumps. For ticks, do a thorough body check. Starting at the head, run your hands over your cat’s body, paying attention to areas like under the collar, in and around the ears, under the tail, between the toes, groin and armpits. You are feeling for something the size of a pencil eraser. You may also notice your cat is bothering at a certain spot. If you notice any of these things or suspect your cat may have fleas or ticks, give us a call and we can help you out.

What are fleas?

Fleas are little, bloodsucking, jumping bugs that can live a long time without a food source. They are quite irritating and can make your cat quite itchy.

How do fleas harm cats?

They are quite irritating and can make your cat quite itchy. They can cause blood loss, skin issues, and if ingested can cause a tapeworm infestation.

Why is treating and preventing fleas so important?

Not only are fleas a nuisance to both you and your pet, but a flea infestation can be fatal if left untreated. The easiest way to protect your pet is to prevent the fleas from finding your pet appealing in the first place.

What are ticks? How are they treated?

Ticks are a parasite that lives in tall grasses and trees and they attach themselves to your pet’s skin and help themselves to a blood meal. If you find one, you can pull it out but be sure to learn the appropriate way of doing so. At Mill Creek, we like to prevent them from latching on in the first place, by using a product that keeps the ticks from even wanting to latch on.

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