Dental Care

Regular brushing and routine cleanings can help prevent gum disease. Contact us for more details.

Four out of five pets are diagnosed with dental disease. If untreated, it can lead to serious and uncomfortable issues that can concern more than just your cat’s mouth. At our clinic, we provide a full range of dental services.

What is involved in a dental cleaning procedure?

A dental cleaning procedure involves several steps. We begin by removing any tartar from the teeth with calculus-removing forceps and then use an ultrasonic scaler to remove the finer pieces. The ultrasonic scaler can create small grooves in the teeth, so we must polish the teeth to smooth the surface. Any rough surfaces will create an environment for plaque to attach to, and plaque hardens into tartar. We end by applying fluoride to create a protective barrier on the teeth. When they are in for a dental procedure, we chart all of the teeth and note any abnormalities.

What are signs of dental problems in cats?

Some signs of dental problems would be an unwillingness to eat, pawing at their face, chattering teeth.

Are some breeds more susceptible than others?

Persians and Himalayans are prone to dental issues due to the conformation of their faces and shape of their mouths.

What is feline tooth resorption?

Feline tooth resorption is when the dentin of tooth erodes. This can happen to the crown of the tooth, the root, or both. The damage is irreversible. Treatment involves extracting the tooth, and if the roots are so damaged that they cannot be extracted, we must amputate the crown.

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